Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn




Using AI As Your Business Partner

Wednesday, July 31 | 12:30 PM EST

With Tamay Shannon

In this 30-minute session, Tamay Shannon, social media and AI strategist for W2S Marketing, will guide you through the world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence isn’t just a buzzword—it’s your new business partner. This Lunch & Learn will explore how AI can streamline your workflow, personalize client experiences, and boost your sales of family travel packages.


Click here to register.








Discover AI

Wednesday, August 14 | 12:30 PM EST

With Tamay Shannon

In this webinar, Tamay Shannon, Social Media and AI Strategist of W2S Marketing, discusses powerful tools that can automate time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on creating unforgettable experiences. Learn how AI can help you understand your clients’ preferences better and tailor your itineraries accordingly. Whether you’re looking to improve efficiency or stay ahead of the competition, this session will give you the insights and strategies to make AI work for you.


Click here to register.